Metropolis Sunday takes the viewer on a journey behind the gleaming skyscraper backdrop to discover the light in the dark, the beautiful in the ugly and the virtuoso in the banal. Metropolis, the mother city, is the epitome of the cosmopolitan city. Sunday is the day of rest. Metropolis Sunday is an alternative concept to the hectic, stimulus-flooded society. Away from the noisy, busy streets, the city is supplied with energy, food and people. Contrary to the cliché of the noisy and overcrowded metropolis, the reverse side reveals almost deserted and quiet places. This is where the city catches its breath and comes to rest, where space and time recede into the background. The rear of the skyscraper formation can be seen as a reflection of society; on the prestigious front, many things are presented beautifully and neatly. Away from the usual ideal of beauty, the informal and improvised reveals itself as an atmospheric backdrop in its own right.
